Guess you've never seen the end of MIB or MIB2...
Well, I only recented aquired some sort of graphical skills in flash myself, so I can't really insult this, but... What's a nice way of saying "some of the worst graphics I've seen"? Normally, this wouldn't effect the score much, but unfortunately, this movie's kind of based off of the images in it, apart from the ending - but the "simple" drawing style didn't exactly help to inspire awe... (Sorry)
>All the 0s are just inapplicable categories.
>Sound is 6 because I like the song, but it's the ONLY sound in the movie to judge.
>Style is 8 because I like the ending; I've thought of that kind of thing myself.
>Graphics is 2 because... Well... Sorry. :(
Also, the panning into space took way too long, especially with those weird lines between the shades of blue - psychodelic (Hint: delete the lines after making the fill colour for something like that!).
>Overall score is only a 3 because the semi-original ending didn't really make up for the graphics and absence of plot. The only thing that happens is the ending. Now, I'm not looking for action, but absence-of-action and absence-of-anything-happening just isn't good without graphics to back it up.
Sorry for my long insulting review. I didn't hate it. Just think graphics would have changed everything (most people don't seem to care though, so good)